
  • Things You Can Do With Your Old Garage Doors

    If you are finally ready to have your old garage doors replaced with newer and better doors, you might want to start thinking about what you can do with the old ones. Sure, there is always the garage. Some contractors will even dispose of them for you. However, you get rid of the old doors, you will want to review the following ways in which you can continue to use them.
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  • Garage Door Openers: 3 High-Tech Features To Consider

    A garage door opener is an essential piece of equipment for your garage. Designed to make opening a heavy garage door easier and safer, these tools are very handy. While garage door openers were very simple in the past, that is no longer the case. In today's world, garage door openers have a wide variety of high-tech features. These features certainly aren't necessary, but they do help to make your garage door safer.
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  • Garage Door Tension Springs Need Replacing? Why You Should Not Replace Them Yourself

    If your garage is having a problem with the tensions springs it is likely not usable as it would be impossible to raise or lower the door. You may be wondering if you can take care of this problem yourself to save money. You should not, however, and below are three reasons why. Skill Level and Tools The first thing you have to consider is your skill level. You likely do not have experience working on difficult repairs of garage doors, including replacing tension springs.
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  • Turn Your Garage Into an Indoor Playground and Keep the Kids Active Year-Round

    Here is how you can turn that unused garage of yours into an interesting indoor playground that the kids are sure to appreciate whether it's summer or winter: Replace the Garage Door The first thing you should do before making any changes inside the garage is replace the garage door with one that features an inset, walk-through door and a couple of windows. This way, the base of the garage door can function as a wall, while you and the kids enter and exit the space without having to go through the house.
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  • Choosing The Best Garage Door Opener

    While picking the perfect garage door can be difficult, finding the right opener can be its own event. Here are some tips to find a great garage door opener easily.  Three Different Systems There are three systems that are popular for a garage door opener. The most common is called the chain drive. Since the doors are lifted using a heavy chain, this type of opener is great for just about any type of door.
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  • Troubleshooting For A Garage Door That Won't Close

    One of the most common garage door malfunctions occurs when a door isn't closing or staying closed. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Knowing why a garage door won't close can sometimes allow homeowners to fix the problem themselves without having to call on the services of a technician.   The following are five of the most common reasons why a garage door won't close: Faulty wiring If problems arise in the wiring of a garage door opener's photo cells, the electrical impulse that tells the garage door to close can fail.
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  • 3 Tips For Turning Your Garage Into A Play Area

    Turning your garage into a play area is an awesome idea, especially if you currently aren't using it for your vehicles. This allows you to add onto your home without having to worry about too much of an extra cost. It is also a large area that can be made safe and fun for your kids, grandkids, or even yourself to play in. There are certain things that you can do to make your garage conversion into a play room as successful as possible.
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  • 3 Things You Can Do To Keep Your Garage Door In Good Shape

    When your garage door is working, it's very easy to forget that there is a sophisticated system at work. Your garage door opens and closes, but only because there are a number of moving parts working to allow that to happen. It is important to do some maintenance tasks so you can keep your garage door functioning well. Here are a few things you can do to keep your garage door in good shape.
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  • Hushing The Racket Of A Noisy Garage Door With A Few Simple Tricks

    That noisy old garage door got you holding your ears every time you hit the button? It is amazing how a whisper quiet entryway can transform into an all out nightmare in just a few short years. If you are having issues with a door that scream, growls, or complains, there is no doubt you are ready to just close it forever and forget the door even exists. Before you grab a drill and screw the door closed permanently, make sure you take a little time to try and assess the situation.
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